Link Garden
A collection of links to places and resources on the internet I find useful and interesting and wish to share with you — a big list of my favorite things on the web.
Big-O Cheatsheet
Familiarize yourself with the Big-O notations of common algorithms in computer science.
Tarvish Armstrong's long programmer bio
Tarvish's narrative on his programming journey, written in excruciating detail.
Programming book recommendations
From an experienced programmer who has read these books and other books of the same topics.
A link garden for all things software technology and computing.
Peter Norvig
Peter Norvig is a distinguished Google researcher and a sage programmer. His website is a harkback to the old web and a treasure trove of programming advice. His essay Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years is worth a read.
Web development
MDN's glossary of web-related terms
definitions of every word and abbreviation related to the world wide web. blog
A nice website, with free tutorials and paid courses on all things web development.
A collection of developer documentations for just about every web technology you can think of.
HTML for people
The web is for everyone. Knowing how to write HTML is basicaly all you need to create your own piece of the web. This free book teaches normal people (not code freaks like us) how to make websites with HTML.
HTML Cheat Sheet
A list of common html tags and how to apply them
A complete guide to CSS concepts and fundamentals
A detailed overview of CSS fundamentals and key concepts, beautifully written by Tania. Can't recommend this enough for anyone who wants to improve their CSS skills.
Technical writing
Julia Evans
Arguably the richest technical blog on the internet.
Daryl J. White
Great articles on technical writing and life.
James' Posts on Technical
I love James' website! And I enjoy reading his thoughts on technical writing and the IndieWeb.
Documenting APIs
A free, comprehensive, and practical course on API documentation for technical writers and engineers.
Online Technical Writing
Free online textbook on technical writing, with lots of realworld examples.
Personal sites
Personal websites and blogs I absolutely enjoyed visiting, for their content, personality, or sheer cutness.
Jake's blog about technology and computing, with an awesome Links list.
James' Coffee Blog
I really love this website. I hope that one day my site would give someone the same feeling and enjoyment I get from browsing James's website.
ESR's homepage
Eric S. Raymond is a contemporary of Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds. He is the custodian of the hacker culture and folklore. Serious geeks will find his website enthralling. (Note that I use the word 'hacker' in its traditional sense.)
Jack McDade
Jack is a talented designer. His website is among the most beautiful personal sites I have seen on the internet.
Sarah Lim
Cute website. The inspiration for my site's homepage.
Nick Zuber
I love Nick's website design and layout.
Personal website of Matthew Graybosch, a hardcore geek and science fantasy author. Great website, with a rich offline reading experience.
YouTube Channels
Crash Course Computer Science
A detailed series tracing the origins of the modern computer and how everything works from the inside out.
Kevin Powell
Since I started watching Kevin's tutorials, I feel less frustrated writing CSS.
The Art of Code
Dylan Beattie's amazing talk on how people are taking code writing to artistic heights.
Free Things
The Jargon File
A compendium of hacker slangs, tradition, and folklore, edited by none other than ESR.
Free Public APIs
A collection of free APIs for students, developers, and hobbyists to play with.
Anna's Archive
The largest open library in human history. Download any book for free.
How computers work
A 38-page tutorial web book on how computers work, simplified for a non-technical audience. I have worked through the first and second chapters. It's a fun read, I tell ya.
Tiny Brain Fans
Bits of info on a zillion programming things.
Realtime website privacy inspector. Enter the url of any website, and Blacklight will scan it and reveal the specific user-tracking technologies on the site.
A search engine as it was in the early days of the internet, before Google and SEO.
Links to free books on computer science, programming, mathematics, etc.
The Online Book Page
Three million free books on the web, from the University of Pennsylvania.
GitHub Repos
Personal websites of Hackerton contributors
This repo helped a lot when I was looking for design inspo for my own website.
DSA in Python
Code examples of common data structures and algorithms, implemented in Python.
Get answers to all your coding queries right in the commandline. It's like bringing Stack Overflow to the terminal.
Website templates
150+ HTML5 templates to help you get started with building websites
A platform for discovering and following developer blogs.
A directory of stunning personal websites for you to explore.
A collection of directories with links to cool sites & resources on website creation.
.:Ye Olde blogroll
A hand-curated list of cool, regularly updated personal sites and blogs.
Fun Things
Elon Musk Series: Introduction
The article that got me interested in Elon Musk.
End of the internet
The very last page on the very last internet server; the 'end' of the internet . . . kind of.
Teach yourself to program in 10 years
Peter Norvig's unconventional advice on becoming a programmer.
I'm a fucking webmaster
An ode to the ancient craft of webmastery.
Home of the first website on the world wide web.
This is an actual website
A manifeto for a better world wide web.
Websites from Hell
Urgliest websites on the internet, ordered by user votes. Think you're bad at making websites? Console yourself with this list.
How the Blog Broke the Web
A beautifully written narrative on how the web was before blogging and social media destroyed it.
I hope you enjoyed exploring my Links page. Read why every personal site should have one.