About this site
This site is about sharing knowledge and showcasing my work, skills, and interests. And then:
- it's about programming, opensource software, technology, computing, web development, APIs, personal projects, popular science, and anything else I find useful to share;
- it's about documenting my learning journey as I hone my skills in software crafting; and
- about helping other programmers like me solve their coding problems through the HOW-TO tutorials I write, the tools I recommend, and the useful resources I link to here, all in the spirit of comradery.
I do not follow any strict update schedule here. I just publish on the site whenever I have something nice to share. The most frequently updated page would be the blog. Be sure to check it out!
Technical details (for the curious geeks)
- Django 5.1.1
- Wagtail 6.3 (for the blog's CMS)
- wagtailcodeblock (for code snippets)
- Pillow 11.0.0
- SQLite3
- django-storages and boto3 (for Amazon S3 bucket config in prod)
Styling & Assets
Styled using plain, vanilla CSS. No frameworks or pre-processors like Tailwind or SCSS. Key design highlights:
- Font-family: Noto Serif for the body text, Poppins for the header affiliation
- The only JavaScript on this site is Prism.js for syntax highlighting
- Color: A neutral color palette with HSL values. HSL seems more intuitive to me.
- I have tried to make this site resposive and optimized for viewing on devices of various sizes.
Development environment
- Hardware: Dell Latitude 3470
- Operating system: Windows 10
- Text editor: Visual Studio Code
- Dependecies Manager: PDM
- Version Control: Git & Github
This site is hosted on AWS, with Gunicorn as the local server and NGINX as proxy.
This site's content is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
The code for this site is not yet public.
Privacy Policy
Now that you're here, take your time.
This site is designed simply to convey information. There are no ads, no affiliate links, no tracking or analytics, no sponsored posts, no SEO gimmicks, nothing to be sold.
Feel free to click around and explore.